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Other Possible Upcoming Films by Latter-day Saint Filmmakers
Not Yet in Production or Pre-Production
The following film projects have been announced or rumored, but most are not yet in pre-production. For a few of the films listed below, however, significant pre-production work and even principle photography has already been done, but further work and completion of the film has been long delayed, and the completion and release of the film has not been scheduled.
The following films are to be written, directed or produced by a Latter-day Saint, and feature at least one major Latter-day Saint character (or scriptural character).
Films already solidly into pre-production are listed on the main page.
- Heart of Africa : Thousands of people have seen Mormon missionaries in Africa—at least as represented on a Broadway stage. Only a few hundred actually know what it’s like to be a Mormon missionary in Africa. They’ve been there and done that. Elder Price in The Book of Mormon musical proclaims "A Mormon just believes." Elder Price in Heart of Africa says to his Congolese companion: "I don’t have a clue what Jesus looks like. I think his skin was closer to your color than mine." His Congolese companion, Elder Kando, has spent years as a revolutionary, but is nothing like the war lord Parker and Stone have scripted in their Book of Mormon satire. Kando is trying to understand his new religion. He has been trained to hate whites and all emblems of colonialism. Elder Price is his first Anglo companion. As for Price, he is a new missionary, fresh from a farm in Marley, Idaho. Together, these missionaries will confront their cultural differences, and the realities of the Congo, including poverty, malaria, and polio. They will have to answer Rodney King’s famous question, "Can’t we all just get along?" There will be no catchy tunes repeating "Hello" or "Spooky Mormon Hell Dream." Instead, the songs will be those which Congolese revolutionaries sing today, in a dialect called Lingala, as well as street music from African musicians. This is a film about Mormons, but intended for all.
- Seven Sisters: 13 Teleplays by Carolyn Hart Bennett of Rexburg, Idaho are now available. Synopsis: In 1863 the "Amazon" sails from London to New York with 800 emigrating Latter-day Saints on board. Among these are seven unmarried young women who are traveling individually. The Priesthood leaders place them together as a family. Although they aren't related, as such, they are "sisters" in the gospel, and together, they face the adventures, hardships, and dangers of an ocean voyage and crossing America by steamboat, train, and oxen pulled wagons to their Zion home in Utah. Contact: carolyn dot hart dot bennett at gmail dot com if you are interested in producing the next big Mormon epic! (The Seven Sisters Series of books can be ordered from Amazon dot Com, Barnes and Noble dot com, or iUniverse dot com)
Other Rumored/Announced Films by Latter-day Saint Filmmakers
The following film projects have been announced, but are not yet in production.
The following films are to be written, directed and/or produced by Latter-day Saints, or based on a book written by a Latter-day Saint. But these films do not feature Latter-day Saint characters.
Films already in production are listed on the main page.
- Schune: Black Pond Entertainment of Utah is pleased to announce an open casting call for “Schune,” a science fiction thriller short film to be
produced locally beginning the last week of March. Black Pond is a fresh entertainment company focused on the short film format. “Schune” will become the company’s first project with many more to follow. Innocent stock boy Nate Williams takes a job at the local Schune Country
Market. He quickly finds himself stuck at the peak of a century old plot to terrorize the country.Sci-Fi thriller with comedic quirk. “Tremors” meets “Predator.” PG to PG-13 rated material for suspense and violence. No swearing, no nudity,
no drugs, no gore. Produced by: Kenneth Hill & Jared Buttars; Written and Directed by: Jared Buttars; Casting Director: Michelle Wright.Send *headshot*, *resume*, questions to ** Links to demo reels a major plus!!
- The Way to Dance: Genre Dance/Drama. From the creators of "Powerless" comes "The Way to Dance," an unforgettable dance drama about finding the strength to believe in yourself, no matter what life has dealt you. Kate was a dancer, and a good one. The future was hers: the excitement, the competitions, the awards. At just 16 she had it all, but then the accident happened. Not only was she scared for life, but her injuries took away her voice. Now a reclusive mute, she lives a secluded life hidden from the world, but when she meets Danny, in an Internet chatroom, he is determined to break her out of her shell. Smooth talking and not afraid to bend a few rules, Danny makes it his personal mission to get Kate back on the stage. However, as their friendship grows, Kate begins to suspect that Danny is not everything he claimes to be. Directed by Matt Daniels, the film is currently in post-production after completing principle photography in August 2007. It will be released in late 2008.
This page was separated from the main page on 11 April 2002. Page last modified 11 July 2005.