The story in "Please" focuses on two friends, Ellen and Julia. Ellen discovers that Julia's boyfriend Mark, a doctor, has physically abused her. The closing credits are accompanied by a song written and performed by Cherie Call.
"Please" can currently be viewed online in QuickTime format.
Click here.
susanna winter-florence
written and directed by
melissa leilani larson
tawnya cazier
director of photography leila miller
neal gage
tawnya cazier
maria agustina perez
boom operator
melanie lamb
make-up designer
leila miller
storyboard artist
chris nagamatsu
craft services
meg wyatt
"two story house"
written and performed by
cherie call & tyler castleton
copyright 1997 ele records
special thanks to:
leanne hill adams
stan ferguson
lizzie & mel
meldon & amor larson
the fultons
copyright 2001 mimic productions