Never Me
a short film by Kathryn Young

"Woodwork" is a short documentary film made by Kathryn Young while a film student at Brigham Young University.

The full title is "Never Me: Dealing with Sexual Assault at BYU."

The documentary presents interviews with key people such as police, students, faculty members, outlining campus policies and issues. While extremely rare at Brigham Young University, there have been reported cases of sexual assault, particularly assaults on students by people from off campus.

People interviewed include Sarah Moore, Bob Eyre, Barbara Morrell, LaNae Valentine, Mindy Woodhouse, Ron Chapman, most of whom are employed by counseling offices or rape crisis centers.

The experts interviewed state the most sexual assults are perpetrated by people known to the victim.

The documentary includes an interview with a victim of date rape, and a tastefully filmed dramatization of the event (or, rather, events leading up to the rape and afterwards).

"Never Me" can currently be viewed online in QuickTime format.
Click here.

There are no opening or closing credits in "Never Me. At the beginning of the film there is just the title: "Never Me: Dealing with Sexual Assault at BYU". At the end of the film a phone number is given for a local women's center.

Web page created 30 April 2002.